Aug 27

Radiopharmaceutical Manufacturers Need Quality Management Software

Radiopharmaceutical manufacturers offer many Nuclear Medicine products that provide safe and effective techniques to image the body and treat disease. Manufacturers are developing new and innovative nuclear medicine treatments that target and pinpoint molecular levels within the body.  These manufacturers are revolutionizing the understanding of and approach to a range of diseases and conditions.

ManufacturerHospitals and nuclear medicine departments need these radiopharmaceuticals in doses for patients to arrive on site in a timely matter. But they also need to know they have been prepared with strict adherence to quality standards and aseptic techniques.   Hiring highly skilled Nuclear Pharmacists to prepare radiopharmaceutical products at a manufacturing site is imperative to quality assurance.  However, having a software solution that is designed specifically for nuclear medicine manufacturers is also essential.

ec2 Software Solutions developed a quality management software designed specifically for nuclear medicine manufacturers.  BioTrax QMS provides manufacturers with a streamlined and paperless approach to manufacturing radiopharmaceuticals.  It combines the benefits of an electronic inventory tracking system with a batch record maintenance system. BioTrax QMS has modules that enforce compliance within a manufacturing plant with its document controls, audits, quality control, and inventory quarantine/acceptance. BioTrax QMS also automates quality management procedures that range from customer complaint resolutions to non-conformance issues. It has advanced document audit trails and reporting for production and quality control of radiopharmaceuticals.  Also, it can track equipment certification and employee training. With its user-friendly interface, it is easy to train employees and provides users and management with one-click shortcuts to quickly access daily laboratory tasks and reports.

BioTrax QMS minimizes human error, ensures compliance, improves quality and reduces costs. BioTrax QMS consolidates the documentation process into one secure location. If your manufacturing facility is interested in learning more about our software solutions, please visit or call us at 800-851-0025 option 2.



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