Nov 18

News from the FDA regarding Cybersecurity

At ec2 Software Solutions, we hope that our clients are up to date on the latest FDA news. Recently, the FDA finalized its recommendations to manufacturers regarding Internet security of medical devices.

The FDA recommends all medical device manufacturers consider their cybersecurity risks and create a plan to actively manage these risks. It is imperative that companies have updated virus protection for their medical software.

The FDA states:

“Some medical devices, like computer systems, can be vulnerable to security breaches, potentially impacting the safety and effectiveness of the device. By carefully considering possible cybersecurity risks while designing medical devices, and having a plan to manage system or software updates, manufacturers can reduce the vulnerability in their medical devices.”

It is clearly important in this digital age that all devices and software with internet access are adequately protected, including smartphones and tablets but especially those medical devices that are connected to networks. Securing these devices, along with networked computers and printers will help ensure patient safety and product integrity. Having a nuclear medicine software provider assist in securing this particularly sensitive concern may help provide peace of mind for your IT staff.

If you feel your current software system isn’t entirely secure or may not meet the new FDA recommendations, please contact ec² Software Solutions, a leader in nuclear pharmacy software, at or at 800-851-0025 option 3.

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