Dec 10


At ec2 Software Solutions we are excited to release Version 15 of our Isotope Tracking Software – BioDose. Version 15. If you are unfamiliar with BioDose, here is an overview and a sneak peak of verion 15.

BioDose is one of the leading names in isotope tracking software, and is designed to simplify scheduling, ordering, inventory, patient dosing, waste disposal, reporting and health physics. BioDose’s system architecture uses a logical interface that allows most functions to be completed from the main screen and allows users to navigate using the keyboard, a mouse or a touchpad.


• BioDose can manage individual user access levels for any Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Cardiology or PET department
• Documented and traceable records on patient dose amounts, procedures, referring physicians and radioactive waste disposal
• Reporting module automates daily reporting and monthly record keeping
• Generates labels with information regarding patient dose amounts, prepared kit information and patient safety cards
• Simplified workflow – BioDose main screen offers shortcuts to most day-to-day tasks
• Interfaces with HL7 or DICOM to directly import patient demographics, physician and other scheduling information

There are many exciting changes with the release of Version 15 that we hope will make your job easier. Here are just a few:

  • Receive multiple cases – Now you can record multiple packages from the same vendor in one receiving report. Just start at the top and enter the total number of packages received from the pharmacy. The program will take you through the surveys and wipes for all of the packages and then allow you to enter your inventory.
  • Sealed source disposal – Now you can record the survey and wipe information for sources that get returned to the manufacturer or your pharmacy insuring your records are complete.
  • Statistics – There is a new statistic module that will allow you to graph or report on patients, referring doctors, patient status and much more. You can print or export the results in .pdf format to impress management.
  • Cath correlation – For cardiac facilities, cath correlations are an important part of ICANL certifications. BioDose can now help manage the comparison between the nuclear medicine results and the cardiac catheterization. BioDose will keep you updated on your current correlation percentage.
  • Automated backups – Backups can be scheduled to run during the night or at your convenience. Monitor the status of your backups with an on-screen task list item so you know you are covered.
  • Personnel monitoring – There is a separate module for recording daily personnel surveys. You can define your surveys as hands or hands, feet & clothing. It’s completely up to you.

For nearly 30 years, ec2 Software Solutions has been meeting the needs of the Nuclear Medicine departments by developing new software products and refining existing ones. At ec2 Software Solutions we are excited to release Version 15 of our Isotope Tracking Software – BioDose. If you would like a presentation of our new BioDose Version 15 software product, please contact us by visiting our website at or at 800-851-0025, option 3.

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